Invest for future growth with the seven global major themes

How AI accelerated
Key takeaways
Factors including COVID-19, new technologies, aging populations and resource shortages are shaping our world. Grasping such structural themes is the only way to seize the best investment opportunities
• The 7 major themes shaping the future economy are digital life, next-generation energy, clean water and land, artificial intelligence (AI), health technology, pet economy and infrastructure
• Adopt proactive management to identify investment themes, and optimize your investment portfolio in a move to let you better navigate this dynamic world

The COVID-19 has in many ways turned our world upside down. At the same time, the use of digital technologies surged and has significantly reshaped our lifestyles. Elsewhere, various other innovative technologies, aging populations, resource shortages and urbanisation are also emerging strongly – all representing change, all creating challenges. Yet, to stay ahead of other investors and seize the best opportunities, it is necessary to make use of these global structural changes.

It is becoming increasingly clear that achieving similar results using traditional investment methods is ever more challenging. Existing industry classifications no longer fully reflect today's corporate structures or fit cleanly into particular investment trends. Many equities cannot be simply classified within a single industry, but nonetheless may trend well overall. For success in the equity market, first identify the right investment themes, then invest.

The pandemic has accelerated many trends, such as stimulating a sharp rise in online shopping and food delivery. More importantly, many trends have emerged that will be difficult to reverse in the "post-epidemic world”. Societies and economies all over the world are rapidly entering a new model. We believe that the following seven themes will be drivers of change worldwide.

Digital life
Digital technologies are shaping the daily lives of billions of people around the world. With the popularisation of 5G and the declining cost of satellite launches, data transmission is getting faster and faster. In addition, consumption models are becoming more digital worldwide. Related markets will continue to shine.
Theme highlights:
Commercial markets such as online shopping, social media and video-on-demand are becoming more mature, while areas such as digital finance, e-sports and remote working offer huge potential.
Next generation energy
Faced with the challenge of climate change, governments around the world have set carbon reduction standards and implemented stricter environmental regulations. Furthermore, the younger generation has high aspirations for society and the environment and has become a major driving force behind the green economy and financing.
Theme highlights:
Clean energy, efficient energy storage and sustainable energy consumption patterns will dominate the future energy world.
Clean water and land
Amid population growth, industrialisation and electrification in emerging markets, and increasing demand for agricultural irrigation, the imbalance between supply and demand of water resources is becoming ever more serious. At the same time, aging dam infrastructure in developed countries is in urgent need of renovation.
Theme highlights:
Companies that improve the water supply, water quality or water efficiency, as well as companies engaging in recycling and waste treatment, will be in the spotlight.
Artificial intelligence (AI)
The technology of AI is advancing quickly, and the industry is training AI to develop real-time viewing, receiving, navigation and interaction functions, so that AI tools can be used to think and learn like humans.
Theme highlights:
AI covers a wide range of areas, including deep learning, machine learning, big data, computer vision, etc.
Health Technology
The development of digital technology in the healthcare industry has tended to lag behind that for online shopping, hotel reservations and banking. Yet, many hospitals and insurance companies have accelerated the adoption of digital technology to reduce costs, increase efficiency, and realise more targeted treatments.
Theme highlights:
Wearable biosensing technology, cloud technology that transmits and stores data, innovative methods to analyse patient data, etc.
Pet Economy
In developed markets, "pet economics" is driven by trends, such as an aging population and healthy living. In emerging markets, the rising middle class has also led to the increase in pets as well as expenditure on caring for pets. Companies that provide products or services for pets have become promising investment choices.
Theme highlights:
The potential for growth in pet food, toys, beauty and medical expenses is very attractive.
Many highways, bridges, dams, schools and airports in the US are showing their age. Looking forward, the demand for refurbishment and renewal, along with new projects in countries around the world, will increase sharply, bringing structural growth to the industry.
Theme highlights:
This theme covers a wide range of raw material manufacturers, construction companies and equipment suppliers.
Flexible deployment of investment portfolio with themes

The world is dynamic place, in a state of constant change, so today's themes will have a shelf-life. It is important to take a proactive management approach to identify new or adjusted investment themes and then make the appropriate distributions in order to successfully navigate the future.

Allianz Global Investors’ research and analysis of investment themes is global in its coverage. The most exciting investment themes with strong growth potential are carefully selected to create long-term capital appreciation. In order to manage risk and reduce volatility, AllianzGI also makes good use of global corporate credit and emerging market corporate bonds, and is committed to exploring additional sources of income.

Preparing for the reference rate change

Preparing for the reference rate change


After the Financial Crisis, InterBank Offered Rates (IBORs) have been declared unreliable by Regulators and new Alternative Reference Rates transactions-based have been developed to substitute these indices. Consequently, most of the IBORs will cease to be published from December 2021. As IBORs are used in a broad range of financial products and contracts, market participants need to be prepared and work on a plan to move away from them.

Key takeaways

  • Most of InterBank Offered Rates (IBORs) are going be discontinued from December 2021
  • New Alternative Reference Rates (ARR) have been identified and developed to substitute IBORs
  • Regulators are publishing guidelines to encourage and support the private market participant in the change.

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  • Allianz Global Investors Fund (“AGIF”)

    • Allianz Global Investors Fund (“AGIF”) as an umbrella fund under the UCITS regulations has within it different sub-funds investing in fixed income securities, equities, and derivative instruments, each with a different investment objective and/or risk profile.

    • All sub-funds (“Sub-Funds”) may invest in financial derivative instruments (“FDI”) which may expose to higher leverage, counterparty, liquidity, valuation, volatility, market and over the counter transaction risks. A Sub-Fund’s net derivative exposure may be up to 50% of its NAV. 

    • Some Sub-Funds as part of their investments may invest in any one or a combination of the instruments such as fixed income securities, emerging market securities, and/or mortgage-backed securities, asset-backed securities, property-backed securities (especially REITs) and/or structured products and/or FDI, exposing to various potential risks (including leverage, counterparty, liquidity, valuation, volatility, market, fluctuations in the value of and the rental income received in respect of the underlying property, and over the counter transaction risks). 

    • Some Sub-Funds may invest in single countries or industry sectors (in particular small/mid cap companies) which may reduce risk diversification. Some Sub-Funds are exposed to significant risks which include investment/general market, country and region, emerging market (such as Mainland China), creditworthiness/credit rating/downgrading, default, asset allocation, interest rate, volatility and liquidity, counterparty, sovereign debt, valuation, credit rating agency, company-specific, currency  (in particular RMB), RMB debt securities and Mainland China tax risks. 

    • Some Sub-Funds may invest in convertible bonds, high-yield, non-investment grade investments and unrated securities that may subject to higher risks (include volatility, loss of principal and interest, creditworthiness and downgrading, default, interest rate, general market and liquidity risks) and therefore may adversely impact the net asset value of the Sub-Funds. Convertibles will be exposed prepayment risk, equity movement and greater volatility than straight bond investments.

    • Some Sub-Funds may invest a significant portion of the assets in interest-bearing securities issued or guaranteed by a non-investment grade sovereign issuer (e.g. Philippines) and is subject to higher risks of liquidity, credit, concentration and default of the sovereign issuer as well as greater volatility and higher risk profile that may result in significant losses to the investors. 

    • Some Sub-Funds may invest in European countries. The economic and financial difficulties in Europe may get worse and adversely affect the Sub-Funds (such as increased volatility, liquidity and currency risks associated with investments in Europe).

    • Some Sub-Funds may invest in the China A-Shares market, China B-Shares market and/or debt securities directly  via the Stock Connect or the China Interbank Bond Market or Bond Connect and or other foreign access regimes and/or other permitted means and/or indirectly through all eligible instruments the qualified foreign institutional investor program regime and thus is subject to the associated risks (including quota limitations, change in rule and regulations, repatriation of the Fund’s monies, trade restrictions, clearing and settlement, China market volatility and uncertainty, China market volatility and uncertainty, potential clearing and/or settlement difficulties and, change in economic, social and political policy in the PRC and taxation Mainland China tax risks).  Investing in RMB share classes is also exposed to RMB currency risks and adverse impact on the share classes due to currency depreciation.

    • Some Sub-Funds may adopt the following strategies, Sustainable and Responsible Investment Strategy, SDG-Aligned Strategy, Sustainability Key Performance Indicator Strategy (Relative), Green Bond Strategy, Multi Asset Sustainable Strategy, Sustainability Key Performance Indicator Strategy (Absolute Threshold), Environment, Social and Governance (“ESG”) Score Strategy, and Sustainability Key Performance Indicator Strategy (Absolute). The Sub-Funds may be exposed to sustainable investment risks relating to the strategies (such as foregoing opportunities to buy certain securities when it might otherwise be advantageous to do so, selling securities when it might be disadvantageous to do so, and/or relying on information and data from third party ESG research data providers and internal analyses which may be subjective, incomplete, inaccurate or unavailable and/or reducing risk diversifications compared to broadly based funds) which may result in the Sub-Fund being more volatile and have adverse impact on the performance of the Sub-Fund and consequently adversely affect an investor’s investment in the Sub-Fund. Also, some Sub-Funds may be particularly focusing on the GHG efficiency of the investee companies rather than their financial performance which may have an adverse impact on the Fund’s performance.

    • Some Sub-Funds may invest in share class with fixed distribution percentage (Class AMf). Investors should note that fixed distribution percentage is not guaranteed. The share class is not an alternative to fixed interest paying investment. The percentage of distributions paid by these share classes is unrelated to expected or past income or returns of these share classes or the Sub-Funds. Distribution will continue even the Sub-Fund has negative returns and may adversely impact the net asset value of the Sub-Fund.  Positive distribution yield does not imply positive return.

    • Investment involves risks that could result in loss of part or entire amount of investors’ investment.

    • In making investment decisions, investors should not rely solely on this [website/material].

    Note: Dividend payments may, at the sole discretion of the Investment Manager, be made out of the Sub-Fund’s capital or effectively out of the Sub-Fund’s capital which represents a return or withdrawal of part of the amount investors originally invested and/or capital gains attributable to the original investment. This may result in an immediate decrease in the NAV per share and the capital of the Sub-Fund available for investment in the future and capital growth may be reduced, in particular for hedged share classes for which the distribution amount and NAV of any hedged share classes (HSC) may be adversely affected by differences in the interests rates of the reference currency of the HSC and the base currency of the respective Sub-Fund. Dividend payments are applicable for Class A/AM/AMg/AMi/AMgi/AQ Dis (Annually/Monthly/Quarterly distribution) and for reference only but not guaranteed.  Positive distribution yield does not imply positive return. For details, please refer to the Sub-Fund’s distribution policy disclosed in the offering documents.

    Allianz Global Investors Asia Fund

    • Allianz Global Investors Asia Fund (the “Trust”) is an umbrella unit trust constituted under the laws of Hong Kong pursuant to the Trust Deed. Allianz Thematic Income and Allianz Selection Income and Growth and Allianz Yield Plus Fund are the sub-funds of the Trust (each a “Sub-Fund”) investing in fixed income securities, equities and derivative instrument, each with a different investment objective and/or risk profile.

    • Some Sub-Funds are exposed to significant risks which include investment/general market, company-specific, emerging market, creditworthiness/credit rating/downgrading, default, volatility and liquidity, valuation, sovereign debt, thematic concentration, thematic-based investment strategy, counterparty, interest rate changes, country and region, asset allocation risks and currency (such as exchange controls, in particular RMB), and the adverse impact on RMB share classes due to currency depreciation.  

    • Some Sub-Funds may invest in other underlying collective schemes and exchange traded funds. Investing in exchange traded funds may expose to additional risks such as passive investment, tracking error, underlying index, trading and termination. While investing in other underlying collective schemes (“CIS”) may subject to the risks associated to such CIS. 

    • Some Sub-Funds may invest in high-yield (non-investment grade and unrated) investments and/or convertible bonds which may subject to higher risks, such as volatility, creditworthiness, default, interest rate changes, general market and liquidity risks and therefore may  adversely impact the net asset value of the Fund. Convertibles may also expose to risks such as prepayment, equity movement, and greater volatility than straight bond investments.

    • All Sub-Funds may invest in financial derivative instruments (“FDI”) which may expose to higher leverage, counterparty, liquidity, valuation, volatility, market and over the counter transaction risks.  The use of derivatives may result in losses to the Sub-Funds which are greater than the amount originally invested. A Sub-Fund’s net derivative exposure may be up to 50% of its NAV.

    • These investments may involve risks that could result in loss of part or entire amount of investors’ investment.

    • In making investment decisions, investors should not rely solely on this website.

    Note: Dividend payments may, at the sole discretion of the Investment Manager, be made out of the Sub-Fund’s income and/or capital which in the latter case represents a return or withdrawal of part of the amount investors originally invested and/or capital gains attributable to the original investment. This may result in an immediate decrease in the NAV per distribution unit and the capital of the Sub-Fund available for investment in the future and capital growth may be reduced, in particular for hedged share classes for which the distribution amount and NAV of any hedged share classes (HSC) may be adversely affected by differences in the interests rates of the reference currency of the HSC and the base currency of the Sub-Fund. Dividend payments are applicable for Class A/AM/AMg/AMi/AMgi Dis (Annually/Monthly distribution) and for reference only but not guaranteed.  Positive distribution yield does not imply positive return. For details, please refer to the Sub-Fund’s distribution policy disclosed in the offering documents.


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