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Inflation cheat sheet: How to invest when inflation is high

Quick answers to some of the most common inflation questions, including how investors can fight inflation.
Following recent volatility, will China’s markets roar again in the Year of the Tiger?

Recent market turbulence in China may have attracted attention, but the country’s transformation story is far from over. The Year of the Tiger could offer multiple opportunities for investors, notably around sectors related to China’s future technologies and climate programmes.
Key takeaways
Click the icons below for quick answers to some of the most common inflation questions.
1. Source: Bloomberg. Data as at December 2021. Consensus data reflect estimates for average inflation in a full calendar year.
They are not directly comparable to current inflation readings.
2. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics. Data as at December 2021. Current inflation figures reflect year-on-year rates for the latest (single) month.
3. Source: Marketwatch. Data as at January 2022.
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