Sustainability Report 2019

Sustainable investing is in our DNA. We began our sustainable investing journey over 20 years ago and published our first global Responsible Investing Report in 2018. As we aim to drive transparency and performance across our sustainable investment approach and beyond, we are broadening the focus this year by publishing our first full Sustainability Report. It encompasses not only how we invest, but also how we operate and engage with stakeholders as a sustainable company.
Preferred securities: The overlooked fixed income alternative

Preferred securities, or preferreds, play a unique role in investment portfolios while occupying a special place in corporate capital structures. These hybrids feature characteristics of both stocks and bonds, making them an attractive complement to “pure” equity and debt securities. Now may be a good time to consider this often-overlooked asset class and explore whether an allocation might be appropriate in the context of an investor’s risk and return objectives.
Key takeaways