• The Fund aims to provide a convenient and easily realisable medium of investment for investors who require an income stream combined with a high degree of capital protection by investing in HK dollar denominated bank deposits and other high quality HK dollar denominated fixed interest and other monetary instruments.
• Subscribing for units in the Fund is not the same as placing monies on deposit with a bank or deposit-taking company.
• The Fund is exposed to investment risk, risk of investing in interest-bearing securities and inflation risk.
• Investment involves risks that could result in loss of part or entire amount of investors’ investment.
• In making investment decisions, investors should not rely solely on this website.

Allianz Choice HK$ Cash Fund - Ordinary Class (HKD)

Allianz Global Investors Choice Fund | ISIN HK0000061793 | Last Updated on 26/03/2025

  • Administration Class (HKD)
  • Ordinary Class (HKD)

Allianz Choice HK$ Cash Fund - Ordinary Class (HKD)

  • Administration Class (HKD)
  • Ordinary Class (HKD)
Source: All fund data quoted are Allianz Global Investors/HSBC/IDS GmbH, as at 28/02/2025 unless stated otherwise.
With effect from 1 May 2016, RCM Choice Fund – RCM HK$ Cash Fund has been renamed as Allianz Global Investors Choice Fund – Allianz Choice HK$ Cash Fund.
All performance figures of the Calendar Year Returns and Cumulative Returns are referenced using the last business day of the month unless otherwise indicated.
The calendar year returns of a Fund in its year of inception (if applicable) is calculated from its launch date to the last business day of the inception year.
The YTD returns of a Fund in its year of inception (if applicable) is calculated from its launch date.
The performance is calculated on NAV-to-NAV basis, with net income reinvested, in HKD.
All figures are shown as at/or referenced using the last business day of the month unless otherwise indicated.
1 “Cash and others” represents cash at call, account receivable and account payable.
^ Daily change refers to the percentage change of fund price as at the valuation date shown against the previous valuation date.
2 “Top 10 Holdings” do not include “cash and others” which represent cash at call, account receivable and account payable.
# "12-Mth NAV per Unit Hi" and "12-Mth NAV per Unit Lo" refers to the highest / lowest daily fund prices during the past 12 months, as at 26/03/2025.
3 EU Sustainability-related Disclosure Regulation. Information is accurate at time of publishing.

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  • Allianz Global Investors Choice Fund

    • Allianz Global Investors Choice Fund (the “Trust”) is an umbrella unit trust established under HK laws pursuant to the Trust Deed with different sub-Funds, each with a different investment objective and/or risk profile.

    • Investing in any of the sub-funds may be subject to various risks (including, but not limited to, risk investing in fixed-interest securities, equity risk, company-specific risk, country and region risk, inflation risk, downgrading risk and concentration risk).

    • Subscribing for units in some sub-funds are not the same as placing monies on deposit with a bank or deposit-taking company.

    • Some sub-funds are funds of funds and their assets are substantially invested in other sub-funds of the Trust. This may be subject to higher risks, such as concentration risk, risks relating to the nature of a fund of funds and asset allocation risk.
    • Some sub-funds may invest in a single country or region. The investment focus of such sub-funds may give rise to increased risk over more diversified sub-funds. 

    • Some sub-funds invest in China market and Renminbi may be subject to higher risks such as Chinese RMB currency risk, limited pool of investments risk, liquidity risk, credit risk and taxation risk. 

    • Some sub-funds may invest in financial futures or options contracts which may expose to higher counterparty, liquidity, and market risks.  Use of such derivatives may become ineffective and result in significant losses to the sub-funds. A Sub-Fund’s net derivative exposure may be up to 50% of its NAV.

    • Investment involves risks that could result in loss of part or entire amount of investors’ investment.

    • In making investment decisions, investors should not rely solely on this [website/material].

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